Je ne vois qu'infini par toutes les fenêtres - No veig sinó infinit per totes les finestres. Baudelaire
diumenge, 22 de juliol del 2018
La imaginadora o l'escena del poema
dijous, 19 de juliol del 2018
Semblava la mort
dimecres, 18 de juliol del 2018
Via espessa
Via espessa
De cigarras e pedras, querem nascer palavras.
Mas o poeta mora
A sós num corredor de luas, uma casa de águas.
De mapas-múndi, de atalhos, querem nascer viagens.
Mas o poeta habita
O campo de estalagens da loucura.
Da carne de mulheres, querem nascer os homens.
E o poeta preexiste, entre a luz e o sem-nome.
De cigarras e pedras, querem nascer palavras.
Mas o poeta mora
A sós num corredor de luas, uma casa de águas.
De mapas-múndi, de atalhos, querem nascer viagens.
Mas o poeta habita
O campo de estalagens da loucura.
Da carne de mulheres, querem nascer os homens.
E o poeta preexiste, entre a luz e o sem-nome.
Hilda Hilst, Do desejo
dimarts, 17 de juliol del 2018
Brunzit d'insectes
Espai viu
Living Space
There are just not enough
straight lines. That
is the problem.
Nothing is flat
or parallel. Beams
balance crookedly on supports
thrust off the vertical.
Nails clutch at open seams.
The whole structure leans dangerously
towards the miraculous.
Into this rough frame,
someone has squeezed
a living space
and even dared to place
these eggs in a wire basket,
fragile curves of white
hung out over the dark edge
of a slanted universe,
gathering the light
into themselves,
as if they were
the bright, thin walls of faith.
Imtiaz Dharker (Poema original:
dilluns, 16 de juliol del 2018
De vegades
Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Fotografia: Empar Sáez |
Alguna cosa va sorgir
de la foscor.
No era res que hagués vist abans.
No era animal
ni flor,
potser era totes dues coses.
Alguna cosa va sorgir de l'aigua,
un cap com de gat
però ple de fang i sense orelles.
No sé què és Déu.
No sé què és la mort.
Però penso que entre ells hi ha
un acord fervorós i necessari.
Després era en un camp de gira-sols.
Sentia la calor de ple estiu.
Pensava en la dolça i elèctrica
somnolència de la creació,
quan va començar la tempesta.
A l'oest, els núvols s'amuntegaven.
Núvols de tempesta.
En una hora, el cel n'era ple.
En una hora el cel era ple
de dolcesa de pluja i rastres de llampecs.
Seguits de fondes campanades de trons.
Aigua del cel! Electricitat directa de les deus!
Folles les dues per crear alguna cosa!
Els llampecs eren més lluminosos que les flors.
Els trons tenien ben desperts els ossos dins el cos.
La mort em sotja, ho sé,
des d'aquesta cantonada o l'altra.
No em diverteix.
Tampoc no m'atemoreix.
Després de la pluja, vaig tornar al camp de gira-sols.
Sentia el fred i estava amatent.
Caminava a poc a poc i escoltava
les arrels esbojarrades, que creixien i reien, dins la terra molla.
Mary Oliver, Ocell roig
Traducció de Corina Oproae
Godall Edicions, 2018
Something came up
out of the dark.
It wasn’t anything I had ever seen before.
It wasn’t an animal
or a flower,
unless it was both.
Something came up out of the water,
a head the size of a cat
but muddy and without ears.
I don’t know what God is.
I don’t know what death is.
But I believe they have between them
some fervent and necessary arrangement.
Later I was in a field full of sunflowers.
I was feeling the heat of midsummer.
I was thinking of the sweet, electric
drowse of creation,
when it began to break.
In the west, clouds gathered.
In an hour the sky was filled with them.
In an hour the sky was filled
with the sweetness of rain and the blast of lightning.
Followed by the deep bells of thunder.
Water from the heavens! Electricity from the source!
Both of them mad to create something!
The lighting brighter than any flower.
The thunder without a drowsy bone in its body.
Water from the heavens! Electricity from the source!
Both of them mad to create something!
The lighting brighter than any flower.
The thunder without a drowsy bone in its body.
Death waits for me, I know it, around
one corner or another.
This doesn’t amuse me.
Neither does it frighten me.
After the rain, I went back into the field of sunflowers.
It was cool, and I was anything but drowsy.
I walked slowly, and listened
to the crazy roots, in the drenched earth, laughing and growing.
Mary Oliver, Red Bird
Visita al cementiri
Salers. Auvèrnia. Fotografia: Empar Sáez |
Quan penso en la mort
veig una ciutat prou lluminosa,
i cada any hi ha més rostres
que em són familiars,
però cap d'ells
no nota la meva presència,
encara que ho desitgi,
i quan es reuneixen per parlar,
cosa que fan
en veu molt baixa,
és en una llengua desconeguda—
però no entenc ni una sola paraula—
hi ha el camp misteriós, els bells arbres.
Hi ha les pedres.
Mary Oliver, Ocell roig
Traducció de Corina Oproae
Godall Edicions, 2018
Visiting the Graveyard
When I think of death
it is a bright enough city,
and every year more faces there
are familiar
but not a single one
notices me,
though I long for it,
and when they talk together,
which they do
very quietly,
it’s in an unknowable language—
but understand not a single word—
there’s the mysterious field, the beautiful trees.
There are the stones.
Mary Oliver, Red Bird
Poema en metamorfosi
Ràfels, Matarranya. Fotografia : Empar Sáez |
Darrera els mots el paper es transforma
en mar i les lletres en peixos
Joan Brossa, La memòria encesa. Mosaic antològic
Editorial Barcanova, 1998
divendres, 13 de juliol del 2018
Terra lliure
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